Show Review: Colter Wall Visits Historic Gruene Hall


As the afternoon rush hour parades down one of Austin’s busiest corridors, dozens of people fill the aisles at Waterloo Records. Colter Wall sits on the elevated stage for a special in-store performance, singing tracks from October’s release “Songs of the Plains.”

Wall’s deep drawl sits right at home in the Texas Hill Country. His style can range from slow and engaging, like a campfire session, to fast paced rhythms heard in country dance halls.

Colter Wall performs at Waterloo Records. Photo by Andrew Blanton.

The audience remains quiet and attentive as Wall’s voice floats around the room. His sound falls in the tradition of Jack Elliott, often with a touch of Burl Ives. After the performance Wall greets fans and signs copies of his record.

On his tour of the south earlier this year, Wall filled the historic Gruene Hall on the banks of the Guadalupe River. His sound was watched in appreciation across the family style tables in the century-old venue, adding another layer of richness to the room that has hosted some of the most respected songwriters.

Colter Wall performs selections from “Songs of the Plains.” Photo by Andrew Blanton

Currently Wall is currently taking his signature sound from the United Kingdom to Norway on a tour through Western Europe.

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