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We currently get on average 100,000 views a month.  We show up in approximately 500,000 monthly searches on Google. We have nearly 20,000 followers on Facebook, where we post each article and host weekly livestreams.  We have a growing newsletter that is emailed each Friday to roughly 5,000 subscribers, and this number is increasing. Our presence is steady on Instagram and Twitter, and you can find us on Tumblr as well.  We have regularly updated playlists on Spotify and Apple Music and a YouTube site.

We post between 20 – 35 individual pieces of music coverage (premieres, album or show reviews, playlist and poll updates, and interviews) each and every week.

Contact us to join our website by placing your advertisement in our leaderboard, margins, or newsletter.  Our rates are low compared to any comparable site.

Ask about sponsoring one of our projects, like our YouTube page.

Email below for our ad rate sheet.  Please place “advertise with AH” or the equivalent in your subject heading.  Donations also appreciated.  Thank you.

americanahighways AT