Song Premiere: New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers “Greens and Ham”

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Americana Highways is honored to premiere this song by the New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers “Greens and Ham,” written by Jimbo Mathus.  The New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers are:  Jimbo Mathus, Charlie Musselwhite, Alvin Youngblood Hart,  the Late Jim Dickinson, Luther Dickinson and Cody Dickinson. New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers Vol. 2 will be available March 26 on Stony Plain Records.

Pick up some good ol’ bluesy music with sexy swagger on this latest by the New Moon Jelly Roll Freedom Rockers.  Feel the springtime Southern summer air coming right at you through the jug band sounds.

I wrote ‘Greens and Ham’ while I was living in Memphis back in ‘07. It was a new song I had at the time Luther asked me to the Freedom Rocker sessions, so I tried it out there at Zebra Ranch. It’s autobiographical and based on a Furry Lewis, Memphis Jug Band type of song, so I figured the dudes would relate to it. It’s about a womanizer loose on the streets of Memphis. A bit of old school shuck and jive bravado. — Jimbo Mathus



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