Video Premiere: John Vento “Highwire”

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Americana Highways brings you this video premiere of John Vento’s song “Highwire,” produced by David Granati and John Vento.

“Highwire” is John Vento and Cherylann Hawk on vocals; David Granati  on guitars, bass and percussion;  Wil E. Tri on harmonica; George Perilli on drums.  The video was produced by Jim Pitulsk. This is a chilling video for a chilling song.  John Vento doesn’t sugarcoat reality; he confronts life’s most fundamental terrors head on.  Let’s face it, life isn’t always joyful and smooth, and it’s just not fair to consider only those aspects.  Something life is just hell, and John Vento validates those dreaded times when we have to exist in and survive hell, here in “Highwire.”

Without a doubt “Highwire” is the most personal and meaningful song that Ihave ever recorded. Over the past few years multiple people have come into my life that deal with debilitating diseases such as MS, Parkinson’s, and Muscular Dystrophy. Tasks that seem so mundane to many of us are a daily struggle for these folks, like trying to keep your balance on a highwire. Yet somehow they maintain their courage to forge ahead and become an inspiration to so many. This song tries to capture the perspective of someone like me, that has a close up view, yet has no idea what it is like to be in their shoes. The line, ” We both hurt but you own the pain”, says it all.I collaborated with lyricist Bert Lauble and multi-instrumentalist/producer David Granati to help me bring this song to life. We purposely created an arrangement that projects anguish, with frantic changes to reflect the emotional roller coaster of people with serious challenges. I am hopeful we captured the authenticity of the message with both the recording and the video (Created and produced by Jim Pitulski).– John Vento


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