Song Premiere: Bill Scorzari’s “It All Matters” featuring Erin Rae

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Americana Highways brings you this premiere of Bill Scorzari’s “It All Matters” from his forthcoming release Now I’m Free. Now I’m Free was produced by Neilson Hubbard, and engineered and mixed by Dylan Alldredge at Skinny Elephant Recording, Inglewood, TN.  It was mastered by Jim DeMain at Yes Master Studios, with album photography by Lauren Jahoda and album art and design by Anna Berman.

“It All Matters” is Bill Scorzari on vocal and acoustic guitar, Erin Rae on harmony vocals, Juan Solorzano on electric guitar and 2nd acoustic guitar, Megan McCormick on lap steel guitar, Michael Rinne on bass and Neilson Hubbard on drums/percussion.

With a somber musical style and a hushed, gritty vocal that rises like the morning mist to mingle with Erin Rae’s grounded tones, “It All Matters” is just outright pretty.  Now I’m Free should be nominated for awards this year with its depth of grace and innovative tones; Scorzari taps into a nexus between the familiar and the uncanny.

As for the lyrics of this song, it’s so important to be attentive to each other. The way toward that goal, is to start to be more attentive to ourselves, to heal what needs to be healed in us and to find a path forward to our own better existence. When we do that, we will also have already learned how to be more attentive to each other. Mere good intentions however, are just good first steps, and they can lose their value if we don’t act on them while we have the chance. It’s never too late to shine a light through the darkness. Don’t hesitate for even a moment. The way the music for this song was created is a little outside my usual process of writing. I had been experimenting with different chord progressions in “drop-D” tuning (where the low “E” string on the guitar is tuned down a whole step, to a “D” note instead of an “E” note), but I wasn’t satisfied with what I was coming up with, at least not enough to make a song out of it. Around the same time, I was also having fun creating random “guitar solo” lines, also in “drop-D” tuning, unconnected to the chord progressions I was working on. Eventually I combined some of the chord work with some of the solo pieces and made a few changes so it would all fit together, and then there it was, the music for this song was born. On a day off from the recording sessions for this record, I went to several stores in Nashville trying to find a small bell that had the sound that I wanted to add to this song. It sounds just twice in the recording. The big things are important, but so are the little things. It all matters. — Bill Scorzari

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