Listen: Dave Tamkin’s “Bleeding Orange”

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Americana Highways presents “Bleeding Orange” by Dave Tamkin. “Bleeding Orange” is Dave Tamkin, Tim King, and Dick Prall, with Tyler Stuck on drums.

With a rhythmic guitar line strewn with distorted bass to let you know this will be a grave topic, Tamkin builds up to the soaring “I learned to fly just to find my way home.”  In a unique blend of monarch butterfly migration set to a Petty-esque vocal and song styles, “Bleeding Orange” will touch your wounded,  driving soul.  As we all strive for something beautiful, and while just as often we unexpectedly collide into a proverb windshield, this incredibly original song will be universally resonant.

I was driving from Omaha to Kansas City and my windshield collided with an unusual amount of butterflies [due to the Monarch butterfly migration]. After pulling over and cleaning off the dreams of what seemed like hundreds of butterflies I turned on my radio and “Running Down a Dream” by Tom Petty filled my speakers. I thought about how running down my dream as a songwriter I’m running down the dreams of all these butterflies trying to find their way home. — Dave Tamkin

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