Video Premiere: Graham Stone’s “Bad News” Title Track from Upcoming Album

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Americana Highways brings you this video premiere of Graham Stone’s “Bad News,” the title track from his album, which is due to be released on April 12th.  The video is a completely bare bones recording of just Graham Stone on his acoustic guitar, lyrically addressing what we all relate to:  there’s so much “Bad News.”  Along with Stone on this song, as in life, we sink to the depth of the bad news and we rise anew to a spirit of faith that “this, too, shall pass.”  The song is complete with whimsical “country style” whistling along in time.

I chose Bad News to be the title track of this record because I think it best captures the essence of the whole album. On one hand, it’s meant to stare straight into the eyes of all the brokenness we see around us and to acknowledge that full-on. But then on the other hand, in spite of all the bad news, comes this deep-rooted hope and a reminder about the importance of what we focus on and how we live our lives. — Graham Stone

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