Song Premiere: Michael McArthur’s “Prisoner” from Upcoming Album “Ever Green, Ever Rain”

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Americana Highways brings you this track premiere of “Prisoner” from Michael McArthur’s album Ever Green, Ever Rain, due to be released on January 25.  Produced by Ryan Freeland (Bonnie Raitt, Ray LaMontagne), the album features Michael McArthur, with Lee Pardini (Dawes) on keys, Grammy winner Paul Bryan (Aimee Mann) on bass, Steven Nistor (Daniel Lanois) on drums as well as Dan Kalisher on guitars.

McArthur’s vocals exhibit an undeniably vulnerable quality while he sings his grieving state — of being “chained, like a prisoner” of someone’s will — out loud:  “Try to run free but she caught you.”  The band rallies around the prisoner’s lament in a slow rock ballad style, with a flaming hot electric guitar solo by Dan Kalisher, and solid power rhythms.

We made this record live as a band, all of us spread out in a circle so we could see each other. “Prisoner” was one that was fun to play. I can remember getting the take, the one that we’d agree was the best, and Paul Bryan (who played bass) said, “I’m really enjoying playing with you guys, can we do it again just for the hell of it?” So, we did. What makes the song exciting for me is Dan Kalisher’s guitar solo. Listen to him rip and tell me it doesn’t sound like someone trapped in chains, struggling to break free.  — Michael McArthur
Listen for yourself, right here:

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